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Work in Healthcare

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Skill and heart go a long way in caring for our patients at any of our 24 hospitals


Be the face and backbone of our network, ensuring that patients are not only treated, but treated well.


In identifying and preventing illness, our labs need world-class medical technicians.

Work in Corporate

Work in

IT Audit Manager

Internal IT Audit Specialist who will monitor company's computer network for possible mismanagement, fraud and inefficiency.

HMO Manager

Provides day to day leadership to health maintenance organization (HMO)team in support of department initiatives and strategies in cost containment, customer service and quality.

Business Development Specialist

Responsible for identifying opportunities for business growth and optimizing marketing strategies.

Living. Our. Values. Everyday.

Compassion & Care

To "better care" and impact our patients, we inhale passion and exhale compassion. This is what drives us to become a force for good.


Having a high-trust environment speeds us up as a team. We give importance to being trust-worthy all the time.

What People Say About Us

People will always be at the heart of any high performance organization. To know this is to know limitless potential.

Joey Briones
Chief Human Resources Officer

Continue to challenge yourself to become a better version of you and everything else will follow.

Regina Go
Compensation and Benefits Manager

When you are planted in good soil, growth is inevitable.

Grace Kagahastian
HR Organizational Development Head